Alberta's New Vaccine Card - What Businesses Can Do With It
Back in December, I wrote a post about an employer's right to require employees to get the vaccine. This has been a hot issue for the last few months, and obviously the new one is 'proof' of vaccination. Alberta is now issuing a printable conveniently-sized document with vaccination status . They're not calling it a vaccine passport, because, well, they said they wouldn't do vaccine passports, but there's also nothing prohibiting its use as proof of vaccination. It's not perfect. It's not secure; there's no photo; there's no mechanism for those with legitimate medical exemptions to get a similar card authenticating that exemption. But it's something. So let's talk about the framework, in a scenario where businesses might want to exclude unvaccinated persons, but are not necessarily legally required to do so. General Liberty - A Broad Right Upon Business Owners But let's start with a basic proposition: Subject to pre-existing contrac...