Emergencies Act Decision
The challenge to the invocation of the Emergencies Act was successful at the Federal Court, but the government is appealing. As Emmett MacFarlane argues , there's a lot of meat to consider on an appeal, and I largely agree with his assessment. Here are my thoughts, having briefly reviewed the reasons on the critical points. To my understanding, there are basically two core lines of attack against the invocation: The first is that the Emergencies Act , as written, doesn't allow for that scenario to be treated as a public order emergency. The second is that the specific measures imposed - via the Emergency Measures Regulations and the Emergency Economic Measures Order - violated the Charter . The government lost on both points, but it's worth questioning both, to varying extents. The Limits of Section 2: Why this doesn't vindicate the Convoy Before I get into the guts of that, I want to highlight that this is hardly a moral victory for the Convoy: The Convoy wasn't...