
Showing posts from October, 2021

Antivax 'liability notices' - Pseudolegal Nonsense

Something I've started hearing about - not through my own social media, legal research, or other means, but through multiple clients who have reached out to me and my firm for advice - is a series of "Notices of Liability" promulgated by a group called Action4Canada, supposedly in connection with an Ontario lawyer. I won't link them. They were hard to find in my own Google searches based only on the verbal descriptions I'd gotten on the phone, and I'd prefer to keep it that way. They're apparently circulating in social media echo chambers among antivaxxers. (The organization's 'about' page contains such other alt-right pseudolegal hits like 'M103 limits speech' [it doesn't], highlights the work of its co-founder warning against "the extreme threat political Islam posed to Western nations", and notes that the "common thread" of their issues of concern is the "UN and a globalist cabal".) But I'll spea...

What's the Point of the Employment Standards Minimums?

Every management-side employment lawyer hears this question from time to time, usually dealing with small organizations operated by well-meaning people who are doing their best to conduct themselves the way they're supposed to: What's the point of Employment Standards minimums? The context is, pretty much invariably, a scenario where the employer has dismissed an employee, researched their obligations, found and satisfied the ES minimums, then gets a weird-sounding claim from the employee or a lawyer asserting that that isn't enough. And in most cases, the employee or lawyer is right. The employer then calls someone like me, and I'll explain that just because their statutory  obligations have been satisfied doesn't mean they don't have other  obligations. I further explain the common law 'reasonable notice' framework, that requires payment of larger amounts. And the employer doesn't usually like this explanation: They're intelligent and successfu...